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Soul Mates for life;..

Howdy all!

Welcome back - so many of you may know (but for those who don't i'll elaborate more - I have been living in Florida USA for the past 5 months studying/living abroad semester at Univeristy of South Florida a.k.a USF). I have my own beautiful student complex apartment (photos below) which feels like a 10 star restort most the time haha. Many pool parties go on at our complex, we have many other complexes around us, but not to brag or anything, but our complex is the SHIT, everyone comes to ours to hang out as we hold the most parties (nearly every day/night haha).

My roomies are adorable, two are American born - Paige (my blonde beer drinking godess) and Kaitlyn (we like to call her mother hen hehe - she is graduating this semester with a nursing degree wooo!!) and my third roomie is another international student, Alex (my swiss princess) shes from Switzerland, loves to party like me and she knows how to have a good time! These girls have been life savers - they have made my time here in the states defiently one to remember!! I cant forget my two Aussies that make me feel like I am back home (whenever I get home sick) - Tessa (my drunky of a sister) shes from Tazmania, and EVIEEE (my inspirational wise story teller) from Melbourne! Us three have made-a-pact to live in Melbourne together by 2016 haha cannot wait for that experience! These girls have been here for me no doubt. When you're so far away from home and you dont have family around to vent when assignments get hard, or to even purely talk about life, or what the hell does our futures hold in store for us, we have eachother and us 'exchange' people come together as a family & even my room mates are my family. Times get hard, but I can always rely on these girls to listen and to have my back.

As alot of us exchange students aren't allowed to work during the semester due to being on a specific study visa - we normally just have class during the week, and the rest is too party, drinks heaps, explore the country, and to get up to ALOT of mischief.

Evie, Tessa, myself and a few others that I became super close with, Rhi, Doris, Frankie (all 3 from UK) Roxy from Canada, Amy, Benno from Aussie, Benny from France, Matt from UK, Anne (my beautiful american freshman) and many more always get together once we finish class - we would always meet on campus at one of the dining halls (we have 3 to choose from - Juniper (closest to Tessas on-campus apartment which was a shit hole haha and full of 18 year olds, soz Tessa, Fresh (we didnt rate fresh that much - was yucky lol and we only ever used that one for late night feeds, as it was open from 11pm-6am, after we hit up the local bar (CDB's), or Champs which was always the cleanest and had the best food(well as nice as college buffet could get really lol) and it was right next to the gym, we'd pretend to workout and then stuff our faces with unhealthy food lol - we use to spend hours there, just talking smack, watching funny youtube videos, or even do homework and study for exams.

Any who just thought I'd give you a little insight to my days at USF - the best semester of studying I could ever experience with an amazing bunch of people. Check out my apartment complex, my friends and my campus below.

Thought I would mention a few things I was involved with at USF:

-The Oracle (USF student paper) writing content

-Tried out for a Sorority lol (Delta Gamma) unfortunatly I didn't get in due to only being at USF for a semester and it is a life long commitment.

-Every Wednesday night USF had movie nights infront of the Student Marshell Center

-USF basketball games at the Dome

Just to name a few.

Catch you next time,

Carina x

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