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 || psa campaign ||



Part 1:


I reviewed the Wildfire Prevention campaign.  This campaign was introduced to the American public in 1944, with Smoky the bear being the mascot and symbol to help protect America's forests from wildfire. The target audience for the campaign was/is mainly aimed at adults but, again, can be aimed at the younger generation to grow awareness that it is not okay to start fires or cause one.  The goal of the campaign is to prevent wildfires and to raise awareness. With the slogan of the PSA campaign saying “Only you can prevent wildfires”.  The Ad Council reports that for more than 70 years, Smokey bear continues to be one of the most successful PSA campaigns in national history. I interviewed friends and family to see if they remembered the campaign…


My subjects were Alex (20 years old), Evie (21 years old), Tessa (22

years old), Greg (24 years old), Kaitlyn (22 years old), Paige – mom (46 years old) and Kaitlyn - mom (51 years old).  


The younger crowd that I interviewed knew whom Smoky the Bear was, so they could relate the ads to the whole campaign ‘idea’ of using a bear to raise awareness about wild fires. When I showed them the older ads they found the resemblance of the old styled Smokey the Bear to the new animated one in the new ads. Smoky the Bear is recognized by 97 percent of adults, and three out of four adults are able to recall his message without prompting. Kaitlyn’s mom remembered the campaign without having to second guess what the ad was advertising.


Both groups remembered the campaigns once it was implemented and were aware of the messages presented.  They said that the newer ad campaigns defiantly convey the message easier and is simpler to understand and to put into perspective.  It can relate to the 21st century.


I thought the campaign was a good marketing strategy used to convey a message across. Using a cuddly, big friendly bear to raise awareness really worked in the companies favor. The memory of the bear will always be at the back of the audience’s head and it is easier for the viewer to put a face (the bear) to the words and/or idea being expressed.




Part 2:

Survivors of domestic violence – Family Justice Center


“Family Justice Center”: 30  LIVE ANNOUNCER READ

Are you and your loved ones victims of family violence, and don’t know how to escape?


Family Justice Center of Hillsborough County organisation and our members are here to help with opening arms.


Our community environment truly encourages healing and empowerment, helping families to improve their lives by providing counseling services and education preparing families for the work force. 


If you are in need, please, pick up the phone and call our help line at 999-555.



“Family Justice Center”: 15  LIVE ANNOUNCER READ

Are you and your loved ones victims of family violence, and don’t know how to escape?


Family Justice Center of Hillsborough community helps victims of domestic violence so they can escape the lives they feel trapped in.


If you are in need, pick up the phone and call our help line at 999-555


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